.. py:module:: ansys.rocky.core.serializers Summary ------- .. py:currentmodule:: serializers .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Functions .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:obj:`~register_proxies` - * - :py:obj:`~deserialize_api_element` - Deserialize the proxy objects for the API element. * - :py:obj:`~deserialize_api_list` - Deserialize the proxy objects for the API list element. * - :py:obj:`~deserialize_api_grid_function` - Deserialize the proxy objects for the API grid function. * - :py:obj:`~deserialize_api_exporttoolkit` - Deserialize the proxy objects for the API element. * - :py:obj:`~deserialize_api_error` - Deserialize an API error. * - :py:obj:`~deserialize_numpy` - Deserialize a numpy array. Description ----------- Module that defines the ``ApiElementProxy`` classes, which acts as a proxy for a Rocky application internal objects. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! Module detail ------------- .. py:function:: register_proxies() -> None .. py:function:: deserialize_api_element(classname: str, serialized: dict) -> ansys.rocky.core.rocky_api_proxies.ApiElementProxy Deserialize the proxy objects for the API element. :Parameters: **serialized** : :class:`python:dict` Dictionary of serialized objects. **classname** : :class:`python:str` Name of the class to deserialize. This parameter is required by the superclass but is not used. :Returns: :obj:`ApiElementProxy` Deserialized object. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: deserialize_api_list(classname: str, serialized: dict) -> ansys.rocky.core.rocky_api_proxies.ApiListProxy Deserialize the proxy objects for the API list element. :Parameters: **serialized** : :class:`python:dict` Dictionary of serialized objects. **classname** : :class:`python:str` Name of the class to deserialize. This parameter is required by the superclass but is not used. :Returns: :obj:`ApiListProxy` Deserialized object. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: deserialize_api_grid_function(classname: str, serialized: dict) -> ansys.rocky.core.rocky_api_proxies.ApiGridFunctionProxy Deserialize the proxy objects for the API grid function. :Parameters: **classname** : :class:`python:str` Name of the class to deserialize. This parameter is required by the superclass but is not used. **serialized** : :class:`python:dict` Dictionary of serialized objects. :Returns: :obj:`ApiGridFunctionProxy` Deserialized object. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: deserialize_api_exporttoolkit(classname: str, serialized: dict) -> ansys.rocky.core.rocky_api_proxies.ApiExportToolkitProxy Deserialize the proxy objects for the API element. :Parameters: **classname** : :class:`python:str` Name of the class to deserialize. This parameter is required by the superclass but is not used. **serialized** : :class:`python:dict` Dictionary of serialized objects. :Returns: :obj:`ApiExportToolkitProxy` Deserialized object. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: deserialize_api_error(classname: str, serialized: dict) -> Exception Deserialize an API error. :Parameters: **classname** : :class:`python:str` Name of the class to deserialize. This parameter is required by the superclass but is not used. **serialized** : :class:`python:dict` Dictionary of the serialized object. :Returns: :obj:`RockyApiError` Error in the serialized object. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: deserialize_numpy(classname: str, serialized: dict) -> Any Deserialize a numpy array. :Parameters: **classname** : :class:`python:str` Name of the class to deserialize. This parameter is required by the superclass but is not used. **serialized** : :class:`python:dict` Dictionary of the serialized object. :Returns: :obj:`Any` Deserialized object. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!