
Module that exposes functions to launch a Rocky application session.

Module Contents#


launch_rocky(→ ansys.rocky.core.client.RockyClient)

Launch the Rocky executable with the PyRocky server enabled.

ansys.rocky.core.launcher.launch_rocky(rocky_exe: pathlib.Path | str | None = None, *, headless: bool = True, server_port: int = DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT, close_existing: bool = False) ansys.rocky.core.client.RockyClient#

Launch the Rocky executable with the PyRocky server enabled.

This method waits for Rocky to start up and then returns a `RockyClient instance.

rocky_exeOptional[Path], optional

Path to the Rocky executable. If a path is not specified, this method tries to find the path using AWP_ROOT* environment variables.

headlessbool, optional

Whether to launch Rocky in headless mode. The default is True.

server_port: int, optional

Set the port for Rocky RPC server.

close_existing: bool, optional

Checks if a session exists under the given server_port and closes it before attempting to launch a new session.


Rocky client instance connected to the launched Rocky app.